We would love to have you join us as a part of our extensive volunteer team for one of the largest Christian music festivals in the nation!


Whether you can serve 4 hours or 20 hours, any amount of help goes a long way. Volunteering is a great way to support the ministry being done through Lifest, see a different side of the festival, or even to earn your ticket to the festival! There is potential to earn some other benefits as well, such as an event t-shirt. We need help in many different areas, so you can find a position that best suits you and your strengths, or one that just looks like fun. 🙂


Below you will find all sorts of information about our volunteer program, but if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]! I love this ministry, and I love working with all of you! I look forward to seeing you at Lifest!

— Britta Hinten, Lifest Volunteer Coordinator

Lifest 2025 Volunteer Info & Benefits

*Subject to change

  • Every volunteer registration is done online, even the very limited walk-in volunteer registrations. This requires the use of a valid email address. If someone purposefully provides a fake email address, their volunteer registration will be denied.
  • The system is an individual registration that requires a separate and unique email address to be used for each registration.
    • This sometimes poses problems for couples who usually share an email address or for families whose children don’t have email addresses yet. Unfortunately, it is just the way the system works and there is no way around it. Thankfully, there are many free email options available.
  • Certain groups will just have the leader register, but all members must sign a consent & agreement form or parental consent form.
  • Youth volunteers aged 8-15 and 16- and 17-year-olds working in select areas are required to volunteer alongside an adult for all of their shifts. There will be a spot to enter the name of the adult they are working with on their registration. This will be cross-referenced with the adult’s registration to make sure they are registered for the same shifts.
  • Volunteers have the opportunity to purchase a voucher for an event t-shirt (to be redeemed at the Lifest store) at a discounted rate. This rate is only available to volunteers and is only available for a limited time once online registration opens. Once this deal closes, it is no longer available as a discount but the festival t-shirt can still be purchased at full price like normal on iTickets or once you have arrived at the festival.
  • Volunteers are allowed to come onto the grounds early to set up their campsites (if they have purchased or earned a campsite), starting on Wednesday at noon AFTER going through Volunteer Check In. No one is permitted to set up or camp earlier without written permission from Lifest. If campers show up early without the required written permission, be prepared to be turned away until the regular time opens for campers to enter grounds.
    • To request permission to set up or camp earlier than noon on Wednesday, please email [email protected] with the subject line: Volunteer Early Camping Access Request 2025. In your email include your name, the reason for your request, when you plan on arriving, and the location of your campsite. You will get a confirmation email once you have been approved.

On average, a shift is 4-5 hours long. 8-10 hours counts as 2 shifts.

If you are volunteering for 3 shifts or more, at least 1 shift you select MUST be an evening shift. The evening shift is the latest shift of the day available in your volunteer area and will be labeled as the evening shift.

If the requirement of working an evening shift poses a concern for you, please email [email protected] to connect with the volunteer coordinator about your situation.

*1 Shift: One (1) One Day ticket, for the day of your volunteer shift. Option to upgrade to a Full Event ticket for $48 ($24 for youth ages 8-15).

**2 Shifts: Two (2) One Day tickets, for the days of your shifts. Option to upgrade to Full Event ticket for $35 ($18 for youth ages 8-15).

3 Shifts: One (1) Full Event ticket.

4 Shifts: One (1) Full Event ticket and one (1) event t-shirt.

5 Shifts: One (1) Full Event ticket, one (1) event t-shirt, and one (1) $10-off coupon for the Lifest Kitchen.

6 Shifts: One (1) Full Event ticket, one (1) event t-shirt, and three (3) $10-off coupons for the Lifest Kitchen.

7 Shifts: One (1) Full Event ticket, one (1) event t-shirt, and four (4) $10-off coupons for the Lifest Kitchen.

8 Shifts: One (1) Full Event ticket, one (1) event t-shirt, and five (5) $10-off coupons for the Lifest Kitchen, and you may select one (1) benefit off the List of Benefit Choices.


*If your shift takes place before the beginning of the festival, you may choose which day you would like a ticket for.

**Working two shifts does not grant you access to the festival for all three days unless you choose to upgrade to a Full Event ticket, or you have purchased an additional ticket. If you select two shifts on the same day, you may select which other day you would like for your second ticket. If you select two shifts that take place before the festival, you may select both days you would like to attend.

  • 1 Full Event Adult ticket
  • 2 One Day Adult tickets
  • 2 Full Event Youth tickets
  • 4 One Day Youth tickets
  • 1 Tent Campsite (to be assigned by volunteer coordinator, or you must purchase one and submit a reimbursement form for the discount.)
  • $100 Off one (1) Electric Campsite (Must have already purchased your campsite. We will reimburse you for the discount.)

You MUST check in during Volunteer Check In hours. If you cannot, you need to make other arrangements with the volunteer coordinator by July 1st in writing via email.

  • Festival Set Up (& potentially other pre-festival) volunteers will be able to check in at their first shift.

Volunteer Check In will be located in the Ticket Tent for 2025. Please park in the Winnebago County Park across the street and walk in at the main gate (Gate 2). You must check in here before you enter the grounds. Volunteer Check In is where you will receive your event ticket and any other earned benefits. If you are 18 or older, you must present a photo ID when you arrive. If you are under 18, parental consent must be signed (during online registration).

Wednesday: 12:00pm-7:00pm

Thursday: 7:00am-7:00pm

Friday: 7:00am-7:00pm

Saturday: 7:00am-1:00pm

  • Large Group Volunteering:
    • We have some opportunities for a large group, such as a youth group, a school group, a work group, etc. to take over an entire area of volunteering. This means your group covers all volunteer shifts for that area and you all get to work together.
    • Some areas that would work well to have a group take over include parts of Activities (like basketball or volleyball), Parking, and the ArtZone, (Adopt-a-Bathroom see below) but if there is another area that your group might be interested in, reach out to the Volunteer Coordinator to discuss!
    • Please send any questions or inquiries to the Volunteer Coordinator at [email protected].
  • Overnight Security shifts:
    • Each overnight shift earns you one (1) Full Event ticket.
  • Festival Tear Down:
    • Tear Down shifts are counted separately from the total number of shifts earning you benefits for the current year. For example, if you select three shifts with Artist Merchandise, two shifts with Security, and one Tear Down shift, the Artist Merch and Security shifts will earn you the benefits for doing five (5) shifts for this year. The Tear Down shift can then either earn you one (1) extra Full Event ticket for this year (option A, which requires the deposit) or earn you one (1) Full Event ticket for next year (option B).
    • Option A: For a Full Event ticket to THIS year’s festival, a cash or check deposit of $50 will be required. Your deposit will be returned to you at your Tear Down shift. If you do not show up for the Tear Down shift, your deposit will not be returned.
    • Option B: You may earn a Full Event ticket to NEXT year’s festival without having to leave a deposit. If you do not show up to your shift, you will not earn a ticket.
  • Adopt-a-Bathroom:
    • A group takes care of one of the sets of bathrooms (men’s & women’s side) on the grounds for the duration of the festival, cleaning it in regular intervals throughout the day. By adopting a bathroom, the group will get 10 FULL EVENT TICKETS & 2 TENT CAMPSITES. Benefits do stack if your group wants to take more than one bathroom set!
    • A big benefit to this job is that the timing of the cleanings can be flexible, so you can make sure to get to the shows you really want to see.
    • Another benefit is that this job can accommodate a large group that wants to work together, whereas most other areas cannot accommodate the same size.
    • There are six (6) sets of bathrooms on grounds that need adopted. If your group is interested, reach out to the volunteer coordinator.

Contact the Volunteer Coordinator, Britta Hinten, at [email protected] or by calling 920-738-5588. An email will likely get you a faster response.

Lifest 2025 Volunteer FAQs

*Subject to change

Volunteers aged 15 and younger (and anyone signing up for the Lifest Call Center or Security at 16 or 17 years old) are required to volunteer with an adult willing to work with them for all their scheduled shifts. Maximum of six youth per adult. For more info, please look under the Children under 18 section under the Volunteer FAQs.

$ You may be handling money on this team. You must be at least 16 to handle money. Accountability and accuracy are required, and cash register experience is desired. If you don’t feel comfortable at a cash register or making change, please let the area leader know when you check in for your shift.

Most roles involve being outside in some capacity, so please come prepared for the weather.


ArtZone – Age 8+

  • You will be supervising and having fun with the kids in the toys and crafts area of the barn. This position also requires setting up crafts/toys and cleaning.
  • Location: Barn A overhang (the open part of the barn at the back of the KidZone), please report to the leaders at the ArtZone portion of the building
  • Shift times: Thursday/Friday/Saturday 9:30am-2:30pm, 2:00pm-7:00pm

$ Artist Merchandise – Age 18+

  • The number one priority is customer service. Volunteers need to be welcoming, patient, and proficient at handling sales. Money exchange, set-up/tear-down, and keeping merchandise organized and presentable are some of the main duties.
  • Location: Barn E, at the entrance to the Grandstand area
  • Shift times: Thursday/Friday/Saturday 10:30am-3:00pm, 2:30pm-7:00pm, 6:30pm-11:30pm, 9:00pm-1:00am (both the 6:30pm and 9:00pm shifts count as an evening shift)

Camping – Load In & Load Out – Age 13+

  • We need lots of help to get people into their campsites. The goal is to have teams of people at each drop off zone for the campgrounds to help carry peoples’ items to their campsites. Please wear boots and be ready to lift and carry heavy things! We appreciate any and all help we can get!
  • Location: Please meet at the Camping Info booth in the Ticket Tent when you arrive for these shifts.
  • Shift times: Wednesday 4:30pm-8:30pm, Thursday 8:00am-11:00am, 11:00am-2:00pm, Sunday 8:00am-11:00am, 11:00am-2:00pm

Camping Info – Age 13+

  • With many campsites and thousands of people camping, getting the correct information when entering Lifest is vital. The Camping Info Team is responsible for giving simple directions on how to navigate to their specific camping area. Qualifications: Members of this team should be familiar with the grounds and be able to direct campers to their specific camping area. Individuals on this team should expect to be on their feet/walking in the hot sun their entire shift. Good interpersonal/customer service skills are a plus.
  • Location: Meet at the Camping Info booth in the Ticket Tent, where they will tell you where they will have you stationed.
  • Shift times: Wednesday 1:00pm-5:00pm, 5:00pm-9:00pm / Thursday 7:30am-12:30pm, 12:00pm-5:00pm / Friday 8:00am-12:00pm

Campsite Marking – Age 13+

  • There are many campsites on the grounds, and the boundaries of each campsite are marked out by the Campsite Marking Team. Each team has an experienced team leader(s). Physical Requirements: Members of this team are expected to be able to be on their feet/walking for their entire shift. Individuals on this team should expect to be outside/in the sun/weather the entire day.
  • Location: TBD for where to meet up
  • Shift times: Saturday (a week before the festival) 7:30am-4:30pm (counts as 2 shifts)

Easy Access (Office Mailing) – Age 18+

  • Come to the Life Promotions offices in Appleton to help our Box Office team mail out the Easy Access camping orders for the festival! These get sent out in June in order to arrive to the campers prior to the festival.
  • Location: 3000 N Pointer Rd Appleton WI 54911
  • Shift times: TBD

Festival Set Up & Tear Down – Age 8+

  • You will be working outside so be prepared for the weather. You may be lifting heavy objects and performing manual labor the entire shift. Wear comfortable closed-toe shoes (no flip-flops) and bring work gloves if you have a pair. This job requires that you are in good physical condition.
  • Please see the note about Tear Down shifts under the Volunteer Roles with Special Circumstances section above.
  • Set Up Shift times: Tuesday & Wednesday 8:00am-1:00pm, 1:00pm-6:00pm
  • Tear Down Shift times: Sunday & Monday 8:00am-12:00pm, 1:00pm-5:00pm

God, Games, & Geekery – Age 13+

  • Encouraging & engaging participants with a variety of games and geeky culture (video games, board games, card games, etc.). Some setup and tear down may be required.
  • Location: TBD
  • Shift times: Thursday/Friday/Saturday 9:30am-3:00pm, 2:30pm-8:00pm

Grounds Crew – Age 13+

  • This team keeps the grounds clean during the festival by taking care of garbage collection. You will be working outside for all of your shifts, so please be prepared for the weather. Wear work clothes and comfortable shoes (no flip-flops). If you are late for your shift, please go to Volunteer Check In so they can help you find the crew.
  • Location: Meet your leaders at Barn A Extension (the closed part of the barn attached to the back of the ArtZone)
  • Shift times: Thursday/Friday/Saturday 7:00am-11:30am, 11:30am-4:00pm, 4:00pm-8:00pm / Sunday 7:00am-10:30am, 10:30am-2:00pm

Lifest Call Center – Age 16+

  • Help in the Life Promotions offices in Appleton by answering phone calls about Lifest and helping with other office tasks. Training will be provided. Teenagers who are 16 & 17 years old may serve in this area if alongside an adult.
  • Location: 3000 N Pointer Rd Appleton WI 54911
  • Shift times: Starting the first week of June – Monday-Thursday 8:30am-12:30pm, 12:30pm-4:30pm for the weeks leading up to the festival. The week of the festival there are only shifts on Monday-Tuesday

Lifest Guest Services & Activities – Age 13+

  • If you are knowledgeable about Lifest and want to help others find their way, you are a great fit for this team. Volunteers should be friendly and outgoing and comfortable with using an iPad. This team is also over the activities such as basketball, volleyball, etc.
  • Location: Report to your leaders at the Lifest Guest Services location listed on the map near the back of the Grandstand, along the road behind the stadium bleachers
  • Shift times: Thursday/Friday/Saturday 10:00am-2:00pm, 1:30pm-5:30pm, 5:00pm-9:00pm

Lifest Store – Pre-Festival Prep – Age 13+

  • Help get the Lifest Store prepared by folding t-shirts, counting items for inventory, labeling items with their price, etc. at the Lifest offices in Appleton.
  • Location: 3000 N Pointer Rd Appleton WI 54911
  • Shift times: TBD

Medical – Age 18+

  • We are looking for physicians, nurses, Medical Assistants, Paramedics, EMTs, and First Responders. Proof of valid medical certification is required before you can volunteer. The schedule you choose is tentative; you will be contacted by the Director of the area to confirm or change if necessary.
  • Location: Medical is located on the south end of the Expo building. There is usually an ambulance and police truck parked outside that end of the building.
  • Shift times: Wednesday 1:00pm-5:00pm / Thursday/Friday/Saturday 8:00am-1:30pm, 1:30pm-7:00pm, 7:00pm-12:00am / Sunday 8:00am-1:30pm

Parking – Age 8+

  • Volunteers are needed to direct incoming festival attendees through the parking area. This area is often the first contact that the public has with the festival, therefore a smile and enthusiasm is perfect to bring along for this role. You will be outdoors and on foot so come prepared for the weather. Evening help is especially needed.
  • Location: Meet your leaders in the Winnebago County Park across the street from Gate 2, near the round about
  • Shift times: Thursday/Friday/Saturday 8:00am-12:30pm, 12:00pm-4:30pm, 4:00pm-8:30pm

The Party Tent – Age 8+

  • This is a hospitality role. You will serve food and drinks and interact with attendees in The Party Tent.
  • Location: The Party Tent is on the east side of the Grandstand area. It is a big tent with white chairs out in front of it.
  • Shift times: Thursday/Friday/Saturday 2:30pm-7:00pm, 6:30pm-11:00pm

Security – Age 16+

  • This area is for watchful assertive volunteers who are willing to keep order. The Security Team is for mature individuals with a Christ-like attitude who will treat all situations and all people with respect and proper protocol. You will secure all areas of the festival and gates. If you are willing to work overnight, please consider choosing one of the Overnight Security shifts. If you are 16 or 17, you must sign up with an adult you know. Please plan to arrive 30 minutes early for your first scheduled shift for a training video.
  • Shift times: Thursday/Friday/Saturday 7:30am-12:30pm, 11:30am-4:30pm, 3:30pm-8:30pm, 7:30pm-12:30am / Sunday 7:30am-12:30pm
  • Overnight Security shifts: Wednesday night/Thursday night/Friday night/Saturday night 11:30pm-7:30am
  • *Overnight shifts earn one full event ticket per overnight shift

Signs & Banners – Age 16+

  • Must be willing to work in the weather and walk most of your shift to different areas around the grounds. Climbing, bending, and twisting are needed for this job. The ability to use a drill at times with fine motor dexterity is needed. Upper body strength is also a plus as pounding into hard ground is occasionally required. Attention to detail is also required.
  • Location: Meet your leaders behind the backstage area. There is a road that leads up behind the stage from the road that takes you up to the Back 40 campground, but before you get to the Back 40 walk through the green fence/gate and walk towards backstage. You will see a big white tent, and north of the tent there are some big red metal storage boxes. Head towards those and your leaders will meet you.
  • Shift times: Monday/Tuesday 9:00am-1:00pm, 12:30pm-4:30pm / Wednesday 9:00am-1:00pm / Sunday 9:00am-1:00pm, 12:30pm-4:30pm

Stage Crew – Age 18+

  • You will be lifting and moving heavy band and stage equipment. No skirts, dresses or sandals allowed while working. You may want to bring your own gloves.
  • It is strongly recommended that the Saturday night shift for Stage Crew NOT be your first Stage Crew shift.
  • You may NOT select both the day and the night shift for the same day on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. Please only select one shift (they count as 2 shifts because they are double long) for each day (unless you work Saturday morning and want to come back for tear down that night, you are very welcome to do that).
  • Location: Grandstand – Main stage
  • Shift times: Monday 8:00am-4:00pm (counts as 2 shifts) / Tuesday 8:00am-1:00pm, 12:00pm-4:00pm / Wednesday 8:00am-12:00pm / Thursday/Friday/Saturday 6:30am-4:00pm, 3:30pm-12:30am (each counts as 2 shifts. You may only select daytime or nighttime, not both for the same day). There is also a Teardown shift on Saturday from whenever the headliner ends until 2:00am

$ Ticket Tent – Age 16+

  • All festival attendees enter this tent to purchase tickets, pick up orders, and receive their wristbands. Volunteers should be welcoming, patient, and servant minded. Depending on the job assignment these positions could be under a tent, on foot, or outdoors. Be prepared for the weather. Ability to handle money and work a cash register may be required aspects of this job.
  • Location: The Ticket Tent is at the main gate to the festival, Gate 2
  • Shift times: Wednesday 12:00pm-4:30pm, 4:30pm-9:00pm / Thursday/Friday/Saturday 7:30am-12:30pm, 11:30am-4:00pm, 3:30pm-8:30pm

Water/Ice Delivery – Age 16+

  • This team is responsible for ice and water delivery to many locations. You may be lifting heavy items and will be outside for most of your shift so please be prepared for the weather.
  • Location: Meet your leaders at the ice truck parked near the Lifest Kitchen in the Downtown Lifest area
  • Shift times: Thursday/Friday/Saturday 8:00am-1:00pm, 1:00pm-5:00pm, 5:00pm-9:00pm

You MUST check in during Volunteer Check-In hours. If you cannot, you need to make other arrangements with the volunteer coordinator by July 1st in writing (via email).

  • Festival Set Up (& other pre-festival) volunteers may be able to check in at their first shift.

Volunteer Check-In will be located in the Ticket Tent for 2025. Please park in the Winnebago County Park across the street and walk in at the main gate (Gate 2). You must check in here before you enter the grounds. Volunteer Check-In is where you will receive your event wristband and any other earned benefits. If you are 18 or older, you must present a photo ID when you arrive. If you are under 18, parental consent must be signed (during online registration).


Volunteer Check-In Hours

  • Wednesday: 12:00pm-7:00pm
  • Thursday: 7:00am-7:00pm
  • Friday: 7:00am-7:00pm
  • Saturday: 7:00am-1:00pm

Walk-In volunteer opportunities are limited to Parking, Grounds Crew, and Festival Tear Down. No other areas will be processing walk-in volunteers this year. You may stop at the Volunteer Check-In table after you have arrived at the festival to see what opportunities there are left in these areas. If you want to volunteer, it is strongly recommended that you register online ahead of time. Internet and cell service can be unreliable on the Lifest grounds, so it is more difficult and time consuming to register once already on the grounds. All Walk-In volunteers will be required to do a background check on the spot as well.

We do not accept Walk-In volunteers who have lived out of the state of Wisconsin in the last seven years. If you have lived out of state, please fill out an application in advance.

Your photo ID (for those 18 and older). Those under 18 need to have completed the parental consent form online or bring in a signed paper copy. Comfortable, close-toed shoes. Anything to help you be prepared for the weather (sunscreen, a hat, bug spray, an umbrella, a water bottle, etc.)

Lifest requires a background check to be on file (updated every 3 years) for all adult volunteers. Our background checks are performed through a professional service, Diversified Investigations. If you are due for a background check, you will receive a separate email from Diversified Investigations with the Background Check Questionnaire to fill out. It must be filled out within 14 days of receiving the email and the system will email you every day until you fill it out.

We do not accept Walk-In volunteers who have lived out of the state of Wisconsin in the last seven years. If you have lived out of state, please fill out an application in advance.

Individuals will not be allowed to volunteer if they are listed on the National Sex Offender Registry.

The background check process can take a while. You will be notified if you are not able to volunteer. If you don’t hear from us, you can assume there is no concern.

All volunteers 18 and over must present a photo ID to check in.

All volunteers under 18 must have a signed Parental Consent Form before they can work. This is a part of their online registration process, or one can be filled out in person at Volunteer Check-In.

If you have children at Lifest who are not scheduled to volunteer with you, please arrange for their supervision while you serve. They are not able to accompany you during your volunteer shift.

Volunteers aged 15 and younger (and anyone signing up for Security at 16 or 17 years old) are required to volunteer with an adult willing to work with them for all their scheduled shifts. Maximum of six youth per adult. To do this, please make sure the adult selects the same shifts in their registration as the youth they are working alongside.

Jobs available for youth fill up quickly, so sign up early to ensure positions are still available. We have jobs available all the way down to 8 years old.

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